Москва Санкт-Петербург Екатеринбург Ростов-на-Дону Сочи Воронеж Ярославль Бесплатно

Saturday British Blues brunch

Когда: 6 октября 2018

Где: Jam Club Music

Адрес: Москва, ул. Сретенка, 11

Телефон: +7 (909) 960-60-44

Saturday British Blues Brunches from 14:00 to 16:30 in JAM club - an amazing journey through British music, cuisine, and the English language itself with British blues ambassador and promoter Boris 'The Blade', and journalist and former London music club owner Peter Beck, and featuring the best of the best from the current British Blues scene. It's a great way to spend your family Saturday afternoon: hear stories about iconic London clubs from where British rhythm&blues and blues-rock exploded – illustrated with soundtracks and videos, and with some live music, of course – enjoy some hidden masterpieces of British cuisine, and improve your English speaking abilities. The journey begins on Saturday 1st September. If you're fond of British culture and English language – don't dare to miss it! Book your table now!

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